
Friday, 26 June 2015


Dear parents and caregivers,

Due to technical difficulties I have not been able to upload photographs.  Now the problem has been solved I have a whole gallery for you to look at!

They capture some of the exciting and engaging times we have had at school, as well as showcase our Star Kids.

Have a browse through our photos!

Thanks, Miss Ellis and Room 20.

Super Hero Dad Gul came and made kites with some of us!

On Wednesday some of us went for an adventure in the bush!  We explored and found artefacts like sticks, logs and leaves.  We used this to help us plan for a story about our bush walk.  On Friday, lots of us said it was our favourite thing that we did all week.



We learnt about mixing colours by finger painting.

We did our best ever planning for writing after we made goop!  It was so much fun being scientists and discovering what happens when you mix cornflour and water.

Some of us planned a report about how to make goop.  We are reporters as well as scientists!

Some of us thought about what we did, painted a picture and told the teacher two sentences about making goop.  We are authors, illustrators and scientists!

Amazing work from amazing Star Kids!
Thanks for looking at our blog!  Ka kite ano, Room 20.

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